When I was in Osaka, I saw a group of ladies dressed up almost like Sailor Moon complete with poster, speaker and microphone singing in the street… Nope, they are not beggars, if that’s what you’re thinking, hehe!

They are self promoting. I admire their courage, and I should learn from them. I’m sure all of us have talents and gifts from God, but sometimes some of us tend to hold back because of fear of getting rejected, fear of failure or fear of failing again.

In my journey, I was very courageous at one time, ran a 42KM marathon, climbed one of the tallest mountain, provided training to hundreds of people and left a high paying job to start a business. I feel great!

but because of challenges along the way, unmet expectations, and disappointing results weakened the courage inside of me, and lowered my self-esteem. And during these times I’ve learned a valuable lesson to overcome it and bring back that courage inside of me!

My lesson on bringing back the courage inside of me.

  1. Forgive yourself and don’t blame others
  2. Put a deadline to the pain
  3. Take a bath, play a classical music on comp. and drink a chamomile tea and relax
  4. Browse through your previous achievements
  5. Have a gratitude heart, I’m sure you have a lot of blessings
  6. Talk to God, not to complain but to thank him for the blessings
  7. And just let it go

Feeling the pain means you are human, and it’s natural, but dwelling on the pain is not going to help. Overcome it! Bring back that courage inside of you. Live a happy and productive life.