If you are going to search “Jeffrey Yu” in google, yahoo, bing, you will see my site on the first page, either 1st row or 2nd row!
So am I the most famous Jeffrey Yu in the world? Nah… I’m not, it’s because the keyword (jeffrey yu) being searched is the same word as my Domain Name – jeffreyyu.com and its title/ description is Jeffrey Yu, again, the same as the searched keyword. So the probability of being on the first page is very high.
But I’m glad I bought the domain name jeffreyyu.com first, imagine if someone bought the site name, and his business is something that is contrary from my principle (like piracy, or even pornography) that might impact my name. Or imagine if someone who has an intention to use my name or to destroy my image can just buy my name on the internet and use it against me. I’ve seen this happen on emails, it’s quite scary, people using other peoples’ names asking for money.
So better secure your name, you may check if your name is still available by visiting
go to Domain > Register a Domain
then type in your name, without space and choose (.com)
if it’s still available, I strongly suggest you buy it!
once you bought the .com, you may opt to have it designed by a web development company like http://www.netpostit.com.
Once you have a website, you can appear as the top page, 1st row, when people search you. Like me! š
try search jeffrey yu in your search engine and visit my site https://jeffreyyu.com
Learning should not end after college!Ā KEEP ON LEARNING
WHY? “Why do we need to learn?”
Our world is growing and changing very fast due to the exchange of ideas and collaboration among the people.
New technologies like cloud computing, new economic model like collaborative consumption and new teaching techniques like NLP and Accelerated Learning has been introduced. and a lot more in different sectors.
Learning and keeping ourselves up to date will definitely provide us opportunities that will help us in our career or business
WHAT?Ā “What to learn?” I’ve created my own formula on what to learn
(minus) Negative Habits
Learn how to Un-Learn. There are certain habits that we acquired when we are still young due to series of events, and it became automatic and sometimes we are not aware of, it can be mannerism, it can be temper, it can be anything that does not contribute to goodness. Like for me, I’ve this feeling of not good enough, I always need to achieve and prove people that I’m good. It’s not a good habit. And being aware of it is one way to lessen Negative Habits
(plus) Positive Habits
Learn things that will contribute to overall goodness. Like reading books, keeping physically fit, being punctual, having integrity, and a lot more. We can slowly learn, develop and add more to our positive habits. You may check my previous post about Daily Score Card, a system of adding positive habits.
(multiply) Skills
Learn and develop new skills, and keep up to date information, whether it’s sports, business/ making money, or career, etc. will definitely make us be more efficient and more productive in our career/ community/ business.
(equal) Positive Smiley PersonĀ
I believe with this Learning formula, developing character and skills will generate positive results, and therefor make us smile and become a blessing to the world:)
HOW?Ā “How to learn?”
Whether we like it or not we are learning already from our day to day experiences. And the question is how fast and how effective is our learning? how do we boost our learning curve? My advice, is read books, attend workshop/ seminars, talk to people, read magazines/ newspaper/ ezine related to your field/ interest. Below are my suggested books.
Bible? Yes, a lot of books in the market is based from the Bible, so it’s best to read from the source, God’s word.
If you are a learner or a trainer, I would like to invite you to the Learning Addict, a community of learners and trainers, LIKE-US on Facebook
The title of your training is very important. Coz for people to see the content of your training, they will first check your title, if it will interest them or not.
Title, is like you raising a flag in an island with full of trees and distractions, and you are trying to get immediate attention of the people around you, so that you can give them some kind of message. The flag represents the title of your message.
Often effective titles are not just a words, it’s a phrase or sentence that will capture people’s attention, and will make them say “I want that!” or “Tell me more”
Below are proven words that attract attention, I learned this from a workshop “Entrepreneur Action Program”
ENVISION. It’s time to put all the information that you gathered and make a mental picture in your brain. Stephen Covey mentioned in his book 7-Habits of Highly Effective People that the 2nd Habit that one should possess is “Begin with an End in Mind”. It’s God’s gift that human being can create something mentally and bring it out physically thru the power of imagination.
Imagine what will be your OPENING and CLOSING statements that will catch the attention of the participants. And also think of the outline of the BODY and the way you deliver that will not bore the participants.
Imagine the activities and props that you’ll be using.
Imagine what you will be wearing, based on the objective of the event, the venue and the profile of your participants, should you be wearing business attire, complete with coat & tie or simply long sleeves or polo shirt?
Imagine what training style you will be implementing, will you be involving a lot of movement, will you be using flip chart, black board, powerpoint or mix
Imagine how the participants will respond to your training, will they be bored or will they be excited and will participate fully?
Write all of your ideas down, even the wildest ideas.
Tip: environment is an important factor during the Envision process, for me a quiet environment with less distraction but with simple movement like jogging in a park or even walking in a cemetery helps build and organize my thoughts.
EXPLORE to gather as much information as you can, and ask yourself the questions WHY, WHAT, WHEN, WHERE, WHO, WHERE, HOW about the training before proceeding with the Training Design.
[Corporate Training]
Why is the training needed by the company? Is there a recent change in the management? Is the performance of the employees low? Or is it simply to UpSkill the team?
[Public Training] Why is the training needed by the public? Is there a demand?
What is the purpose of the training?
What does the client want to achieve?
What are theĀ materials needed to accomplish the objective?
What training style is required?
What knowledge or skills need to be addressed?
[Public Training]Ā What is the best table and chair arrangement in this training?
When and what time will the training be conducted?
[Public Training] Where is the training venue? How big is the area? Is there a table and chair? Is there a sound system and other training equipment, like projector, whiteboard, etc.?
Who is attending the training, the profile of each participant (their age, education background, skills, knowledge, and expectations)
How often will this training be repeated?
How many participants will be attending?
How much is the expenses for this training, include your Professional Fee?
The purpose of EXPLORE is to get information for better planning in the next step
PS: Feel free to share more questions to ask in EXPLORE stage