I have high cholesterol but also high metabolism and it’s hard for me to gain weight. If I’m gonna go for a vegie & fish diet to solve my cholesterol problem, I will probably look like a stickman, and that will affect my self-esteem, which is also not good. The doctor said, “take medication (statins)”, but the problem is it has a side effect to the liver. And the doctor said “you choose, Liver or Heart”. I told the doctor both are equally important to me. I didn’t listen to the doctor’s advise and fortunately was able to lower down my cholesterol.
I realized the solution to bringing the High Cholesterol down is DISCIPLINE. Without it, it’s nearly impossible to stay healthy.
1. Have a healthy diet
2. Have simple exercise
3. Have at least 8hrs sleep and sleep early
4. Pray for healing
DISCIPLINE, it’s easy to say but not easy to do, I’m still learning.
I just want to share my diet that I’ve created lately, which is simple and achievable (If you are not picky about food):
Vegetable: Okra (It will not increase your uric acid, and you just need to steam/ blanch it)
Fruit: Banana (easy to eat, no need to wash)
Drink: Squeeze lemon juice to your water
Breakfast: Oatmeal
Main course: Any fish (grill/ steam), or chicken breast (grill/ steam)
If you are like me, who wants to gain weight and build muscles, you’ll be needing a lot of protein.
Protein: 2 or more egg whites before workout and another 2 egg whites after workout (Egg whites are a good source of protein)
I saw this video “Exposing the Cholesterol Myth” while researching about how to lower Cholesterol, it’s worth watching
If you have High Cholesterol, don’t worry, you don’t really need to take medication (my opinion only), you just need DISCIPLINE