Learning should not end after college! KEEP ON LEARNING
WHY? “Why do we need to learn?”
Our world is growing and changing very fast due to the exchange of ideas and collaboration among the people.
New technologies like cloud computing, new economic model like collaborative consumption and new teaching techniques like NLP and Accelerated Learning has been introduced. and a lot more in different sectors.
Learning and keeping ourselves up to date will definitely provide us opportunities that will help us in our career or business
WHAT? “What to learn?”
I’ve created my own formula on what to learn
(minus) Negative Habits
Learn how to Un-Learn. There are certain habits that we acquired when we are still young due to series of events, and it became automatic and sometimes we are not aware of, it can be mannerism, it can be temper, it can be anything that does not contribute to goodness. Like for me, I’ve this feeling of not good enough, I always need to achieve and prove people that I’m good. It’s not a good habit. And being aware of it is one way to lessen Negative Habits
(plus) Positive Habits
Learn things that will contribute to overall goodness. Like reading books, keeping physically fit, being punctual, having integrity, and a lot more. We can slowly learn, develop and add more to our positive habits. You may check my previous post about Daily Score Card, a system of adding positive habits.
(multiply) Skills
Learn and develop new skills, and keep up to date information, whether it’s sports, business/ making money, or career, etc. will definitely make us be more efficient and more productive in our career/ community/ business.
(equal) Positive Smiley Person
I believe with this Learning formula, developing character and skills will generate positive results, and therefor make us smile and become a blessing to the world:)
HOW? “How to learn?”
Whether we like it or not we are learning already from our day to day experiences. And the question is how fast and how effective is our learning? how do we boost our learning curve? My advice, is read books, attend workshop/ seminars, talk to people, read magazines/ newspaper/ ezine related to your field/ interest. Below are my suggested books.
Bible? Yes, a lot of books in the market is based from the Bible, so it’s best to read from the source, God’s word.
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