I’m blessed to have visited the Nissin Instant Ramen Museum in Osaka

Ando Momofuku is the founder of Nissin, and known as the Inventor of Instant Noodle.
He is just like us, ordinary person who encountered a lot of challenges and trials in life, the following are some of his challenges based on Wikipedia
1. his parents died when he was at an early age. He was raised by his grandparents in Tainan, Taiwan
2. he was convicted of tax evasion in 1948 and served two years in jail. In his biography, Ando said he had provided scholarships for students, which at the time was a form of tax evasion.
3. he lost his company due to a chain reaction bankruptcy

but in spite of challenges, he founded Nissin Corporation. And on August 25, 1958, at the age of 48, and after months of trial and error experimentation, Ando marketed the first package of precooked instant noodles.

I was surprised that Nissin Instant Noodles even went to space! Amazing

you may be thinking, isn’t instant noodle not good for our health? hehe… Ando passed away at the age of 97 and he claimed that the secret of his long life was playing golf and eating Chicken Ramen almost every day. He was said to have eaten instant ramen until the day before he died

I salute Ando, for his perseverance and contribution to the world