If you are going to search “Jeffrey Yu” in google, yahoo, bing, you will see my site on the first page, either 1st row or 2nd row!
So am I the most famous Jeffrey Yu in the world? Nah… I’m not, it’s because the keyword (jeffrey yu) being searched is the same word as my Domain Name – jeffreyyu.com and its title/ description is Jeffrey Yu, again, the same as the searched keyword. So the probability of being on the first page is very high.
But I’m glad I bought the domain name jeffreyyu.com first, imagine if someone bought the site name, and his business is something that is contrary from my principle (like piracy, or even pornography) that might impact my name. Or imagine if someone who has an intention to use my name or to destroy my image can just buy my name on the internet and use it against me. I’ve seen this happen on emails, it’s quite scary, people using other peoples’ names asking for money.
So better secure your name, you may check if your name is still available by visiting
go to Domain > Register a Domain
then type in your name, without space and choose (.com)
if it’s still available, I strongly suggest you buy it!
once you bought the .com, you may opt to have it designed by a web development company like http://www.netpostit.com.
Once you have a website, you can appear as the top page, 1st row, when people search you. Like me! 🙂
try search jeffrey yu in your search engine and visit my site https://jeffreyyu.com
have a great day!